Webelos Woods
668 Boy Scout Road
Rutherfordton, NC 28139
Location Phone: 980-745-3258
Webelos Woods is a campout designed to introduce 4th and 5th grade scouts to the outdoor adventures within Scouting. This weekend camping trip introduces them to camping using the patrol method while supervised by registered adult leaders. This weekend event gives scout's a sense of independence and self-reliance that they learn using the Scout Oath and Law.
4th Grade Scouts
- will work as a scout patrol together. They will choose a patrol leader and with the help of their den leader will do various tasks withing the unit.
- will work on Outdoorsman, Duty to God in Action, Castaway, Fishing, Map and Compass, and lots of other outdoor adventures.
- they will receive a list of activities they worked on to present to their Den Leader or Cubmaster.
5th Grade Scouts / Scouts BSA Youth
- 5th grade scouts that have already crossed over into troops are also eligible for Webelos Woods.
- will work as a Scout Patrol together. They will choose a patrol leader and with the help of their den leader/ASM will do various tasks withing the unit.
- will work on the Scouts BSA Totin’ Chip and Firem’n Chit, Fishing, and lots of other activities.
- they will receive a list of activities they worked on to present to their Scoutmaster.
ALL food/meals for the weekend will be provided and prepared by the individual units. Please come prepared.
Units need to provide their own tents as the council platform tents will not be available as they have been taken down for the winter season. Interested? Please email one of our contacts to the right. Thank You