DRAFT-Merit Badge University

The Piedmont Council Advancement Committee would like to welcome you to our 2024 Merit Badge University!

This event will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2024 at Gaston College (main campus) in Dallas, North Carolina. Check-in will begin at 8:00 A.M.. Classes will begin at 9:00 A.M. and will end at 2:00 P.M

The cost is $25 per scout

A lunch will be provieded for all paid participants along with a MBU patch. The Scouts BSA uniform known as the "Class A" is the recommended attire for the day.

All participating scouts must be registered as a Scouts BSA scout; NO Cub Scouts can attend this event.

Any unit can start reserving your slots now for this event through the council website.

UPDATE (2/7/24): Class registration will now open on Thursday, February 13, 2024, at 7 P.M.

Merit Badge Classes Offered at MBU:

Interested to teach one of these classes above?: CLICK HERE!

Let's support our community through Merit Badge University!!!  Please bring a canned good (or two!) to donate to the Dallas Christian Ministry (Food Bank Program)!  Canned goods will be collected at registration. Thank You!

To sign up as a counselor or trainer, CLICK HERE!

File Name Description
2024 Prerequisite List This list will be updated as new information is received by council. Download
Class, Instructor, Room List This list has the class name, instructor name, and location where the class will be held. Download
Gaston College Map Click the link to the right to download now. Download
Instructions for Blue Card Reprots Download