Merit Badge Counselor Information

Merit Badge Counselor List: you can access a current list by logging into

The merit badge counselor list is approved under the Guide to Advancement; Boy Scouts of America.

Interested to become a Piedmont Council Merit Badge Counselor? Follow these four easy steps:

  • A) Be registered with the Boy Scouts of America; adult applications can be found here: CLICK HERE  If the Merit Badge Couselor is the only adult position in Scouting, there is a $25 registration fee to become a registered MB Counselor.
    • Note: If already registered with the Boy Scouts of America, you will still need to fill out another adult application and list "Merit Badge Counselor" under "Scouting Position" (no money required).
  • B) Complete Youth Protection Training at
  • C) Complete Merit Badge Counselor Orientation Training at
  • D) Complete a Merit Badge Counselor Application (which lists all interested merit badges; this form would be approved later by the Piedmont Council Advancement Committee); please send all complete applications and training certificates to Shelia Lindsay at

Citizenship in Society Merit Badge (Step-by-Step Process)

  • Please Note: If interested to add Citizenship in Society Merit Badge to your merit badge counselor application, you must complete these two additional steps:
    • 1. All applicants are required to take an additional virtual education training on the Citizenship in Society Merit Badge with the Piedmont Council Diversity and Inclusion Chairman; Mr. Andrew Raddant (contact information to the right).
      • This training will be held via ZOOM and are scheduled directly with him and the interested applicant; this must be complete before final approval is given by the Piedmont Council Advancement Committee. Thank You!
    • 2. All applicants must complete the Diversity, Education, and Inclusion (DEI) Training located at:
  • Additional Qualifications: Some Merit Badges require additional trainings and/or certifications by the National office of the Boy Scouts of America. These additional qualifications can be found below in the document Merit Badge Counselor Qualifications. These qualifications are set by the National BSA and are followed by the Piedmont Council Advancement Committee. Volunteers will who do not hold current qualifications will not be approved to teach these badges. 

File Name Description
Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Application Guide Click the link to the right to download now. Download
Merit Badge Counselor Application Click the link to the right to download now. Download
Merit Badge Counselor Qualifications File showing additional qualifications needed to teach several of the BSA merit badges. Download