Help Keep the Campfires Burning!
The Piedmont Council has been shaping the lives of youth since 1924. Your donation provides a vital portion of the financial support needed to instill the values of the Scout Oath and Law that results in a positive influence on character building, citizenship training, and moral/physical fitness; the youth of today are America's future leaders tomorrow!
We need your support to "Keep the Campfires Burning" and help us rebuild Scouting in each of our local communities. Your donation will help impact and support Scouting in your community and ensure that ALL youth who join, benefit from the Scouting program by completeing the information below. Thank you for your contribution!
Make Your Monthly Payment Here! (For Current Supporters)
Memorial Tribute Fund (For Remembrance of Volunteers, Family Members, and Scouts)
File Name | Description | |
Legacy Brick Brochure (Camp Bud Schiele) | Click the link to the right to download now. | Download |